
Our button styles

Class .wb-button

Our default button style

Button label
<button class="wb-button">Button label</button>
<a href="#" class="wb-button">Button label</a>

Modifer .wb-button--primary

When your button needs more attention. Can be used alone or paired with a default wb-button.

Button label
<button class="wb-button wb-button--primary">Button label</button>
<a href="#" class="wb-button wb-button--primary">Button label</a>

Modifier .wb-button--inverse

Default button when used on blue background.

Button label
<button class="wb-button wb-button--inverse">Button label</button>
<a href="#" class="wb-button wb-button--inverse">Button label</a>

Modifier .wb-button--primary-inverse

Primary button when used on blue background.

Button label
<button class="wb-button wb-button--primary-inverse">Button label</button>
<a href="#" class="wb-button wb-button--primary-inverse">Button label</a>

Modifier .wb-button--large

To make the button larger. Used to really call out a CTA.

<button class="wb-button wb-button--large">Button label</button>
<button class="wb-button wb-button--primary wb-button--large">Button label</button>

Modifier .wb-button--small

Makes the button smaller. Usually contains just a single verb for the action.

<button class="wb-button wb-button--small">Add</button>
<button class="wb-button wb-button--primary wb-button--small">Delete</button>

Attribute disabled and aria-disabled=true

Disabled buttons are shown with 60% opacity, and can be applied to any button style. Please note that the correct way to disable a <button> is to add the disabled attribute, while <a> should be disabled with aria-disabled=true. These attributes can be applied to any button style, but for this example we'll only show the default and primary style.

Button label Button label
<button class="wb-button" disabled>Button label</button>
<a href="#" class="wb-button" aria-disabled="true">Button label</a>
<button class="wb-button wb-button--primary" disabled>Button label</button>
<a href="#" class="wb-button wb-button--primary" aria-disabled="true">Button label</a>

Modifier .wb-button--block

To make button expand full width of parent container. Note that .wb-button--block adds top margin to any direct siblings of the same class to give each button the proper vertical spacing.

Block level button
<a href="#" class="wb-button wb-button--primary wb-button--block">Block level button</a>
<button class="wb-button wb-button--block">Block level button</button>

Modifier .wb-button--danger and .wb-button--warning

To make the button takes on the danger or warning color. Note that this modifiefer should only be applied to buttons on white backgrounds.

<button class="wb-button wb-button--danger">Danger button</button>
<button class="wb-button wb-button--primary wb-button--danger">Danger button</button>
<button class="wb-button wb-button--warning">Warning button</button>
<button class="wb-button wb-button--primary wb-button--warning">Warning button</button>


Class .wb-button__icon-right and wb-button__icon-left

Icons can be added to the left side or the right side of the button. The class must be added to a <span> wrapping the icon.

<button class="wb-button wb-button--primary">
   Learn more
   <span class="wb-button__icon-right" aria-hidden="true">
      <i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i>
<button class="wb-button">
   <span class="wb-button__icon-left" aria-hidden="true">
      <i class="fa fa-cloud-upload"></i>
   Upload form
<button class="wb-button wb-button--primary wb-button--small">
   <span class="wb-button__icon-left" aria-hidden="true">
      <i class="fa fa-refresh"></i>
<button class="wb-button wb-button--small">
   <span class="wb-button__icon-right" aria-hidden="true">
      <i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i>

Modifier .wb-button__icon--small

If the icon feels too big for the button text, use .wb-button__icon-small to scale the icon down by 80%.

<button class="wb-button">
   <span class="wb-button__icon-left wb-button__icon--small" aria-hidden="true">
      <i class="fa fa-plus"></i>
   Invite users
<button class="wb-button wb-button--primary wb-button--small">
   <span class="wb-button__icon-left wb-button__icon--small" aria-hidden="true">
      <i class="fa fa-times"></i>

Sign-post Button

Class .wb-button--sign-post and .wb-button__sign-subtext

Use this button when you want to guide the user to a page. The style should only be applied to an <a> and never to a <button>. .wb-button__sign-subtext is optional, but strongly encouraged. This button style should only be used on a blue background!

<a href="#" class="wb-button wb-button--sign-post">
  Go here
  <span class='wb-button__sign-subtext'>You won't be eaten. We promise.</span>

Highlighted Button

Class .wb-highlighted-button

A highlighted button style that is visually different from the standard rounded button.

Highlighted Button
<button class='wb-highlighted-button'>Highlighted Button</button>
<a href='#' class='wb-highlighted-button'>Highlighted Button</a>

Modifier .wb-highlighted-button--inverse

Inversed style, used when the button is on a blue background.

Highlighted Button
<button class='wb-highlighted-button wb-highlighted-button--inverse'>Highlighted Button</button>
<a href='#' class='wb-highlighted-button wb-highlighted-button--inverse'>Highlighted Button</a>